Cancer and Integrative Oncology Support
Our immune system protects us from disease and infection. When your immune system begins attacking healthy cells in your body by mistake, it increases your risk of developing autoimmune disorders which over time, can lead to cancer. A dysfunctional immune system presents with a variety of symptoms, making it difficult to diagnosis cancer in its earliest stages of development.
Instituting integrative oncology support for both prevention and during cancer treatment can dramatically help improve health outcomes. It optimizes the function of the entire body to enhancing immune function and discourage cancer growth. Integrative oncology looks at all levels of health, including the physical, emotional and energetic in order to cares for the whole person.
Dr. Payal Bhandari, M.D. specializes in Integrative Oncology. She supports, educates and empowers her patients to become actively involved in their cancer journey. She addresses the root cause of cancer on a cellular level and formulates personalized treatment plans utilizing a combination of evidence-based complementary therapies and Western medicine for all phases of cancer treatment.
Watch Videos on How to Take An Integrative Approach to Cancer
Cancer is one of the scariest illnesses of our modern times. Sometimes cancer cannot be avoided, but certain lifestyle choices can increase our risk of getting cancer.
#1. Breast Cancer – 26% of all cancers.
#2. Lung Cancer – 14% of all cancers.
#3. Colon Cancer – 10% of all cancers.
#4. Uterine Cancer – 6% of all cancers.
#5. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – 4% of all cancers.
#6. Ovarian Cancer – rare but deadly.
70% to 80% of cancers are caused by environmental factors. Only 20% to 30% of cancers are caused by genetics.
Certain environmental factors directly impact the integrity of the immune system. If the immune system becomes weakened over a long period of time, cancer cells accumulate and eventually cause cancer. The top environmental factors tied to causing cancer are:
Tobacco use or secondhand exposure to smoke, radon gas, arsenic, soot, or tar
Alcohol use
Stress levels
Sleep quality
Physical activity level
Radiation exposure (i.e., chest x-rays and mammograms)
Diet is one of the biggest contributors to causing abnormal hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies and pathological overgrowth of microbiomes responsible for most cancers. Lifestyle choices are also increasing our risk of developing cancer. Most cancers can be avoided successfully. Unfortunately conventional Western medicine does not focus on the root causes of cancer and instead, uses treatments which add a great deal of stress to an already weak body. They often cause patients to suffer deadly side effects, such as extreme fatigue, depression, loss of muscle mass and strength, neuropathy, memory and cognitive complications, compromised immune system, hormone alterations, hair loss, and osteoporosis to name just a few.
Extensive scientific research has consistently shown that integrative oncology is essential for understanding cancer at the root level and making sure to support every organ. By utilizing time-tested, scientifically-proven, natural, non-toxic therapies which include nutrition and lifestyle counseling and optimization of vitamins, supplements and other immune boosters, a person is better supported and able to more effectively treat cancer.
Integrative oncology is based on better understanding cancer on a cellular level and making sure every vital organ is well supported. By focusing on caring for the whole person, Dr. Payal Bhandari, M.D. has helped hundreds of patients at risk or with cancer experience better health outcomes.
If you would like to learn more about your cancer risk and how to prevent cancer, please contact Dr. Payal Bhandari M.D. If you are being treated for cancer, Dr. Bhandari can help you strengthen your immune system and fight the cancer more effectively.
Cancer Care
Work with nation’s top integrative functional medicine physician in the prevention and treatment of early to mid stage cancers. By understanding the root causes of diseases Dr. Bhandari provides personalized treatment plans to optimize your health.